Taking a step to nowhere...
Tentative and not seeking...
Finding everything...
Walking Meditation
Walking, perhaps more than any other human activity, epitomizes our drive to get somewhere else other than where we are now. Even if we are just strolling, we are still usually engaged in some activity other than purely walking: observing scenery, conversing, exercising, etc.. For those of us who then habitually take the act of walking for granted, walking meditation, involving devoting our entire attention to simply the act of walking with no other agenda -- lift, move, place -- can be an especially daunting task. So much more the reason then to practice walking meditation to cultivate concentration, appreciation of body mechanics, and patience for and acceptance of what we are encountering at this moment.
For those of us who are in some way walking challenged, such as with motor impairment or difficulties with balance or breathing, walking meditation can open the door to enhanced mobility, greater capacity to exercise, and greater potential for independent activity.